House Rules

  • Please keep noise levels down while you are on vacation and be mindful of our neighbours, especially as some of them live there.

  • Loud noise is especially not permitted between the hours of 8pm to 8am.

  • Loud noises can warrant a visit from TPL security or the police.

    We each have a right to Quiet Enjoyment

no loud noise

no smoking

  • Our villas are non-smoking villas. If you must, please smoke outside of the villa and be mindful of the furniture and cushions so there are no damages. Properly dispose of all cigarette butts.

bbq pit

  • Please be courteous and clean the bbq pit after use. House keeping will clean it further after check out.

pool & jacuzzi

  • Please do not tamper with the floater in the jacuzzi, as this keeps it clean.

  • Please do not take life safety floats from the villa. It must remain in case of an emergency.

  • Do not put furniture or dishes into the pool(including loungers), they are not designed for this use.

  • Jacuzzi takes up to an hour to reach its optimal temperature when turned on using the button. Please turn off the jets when not in use and do not over press the button.

  • Please wash off any sand/ debris from the beach, etc before entering the pool & jacuzzi. These particles can cause damage to our suction pumps.

  • Please do not use the pool net for anything other than cleaning the surface of the pool. Damaged pool nets will be deducted from your damage deposit.

do not litter

  • No littering on the property, especially of plastics and cigarette butts. These may end up in the ocean and may harm sea animals and pollute our waters.

electronics & ac

  • Please turn off all electronics and Air conditioning units when not in use.

  • Please close doors when Air conditioning units are in use, to prevent condensation and damage to these units.

do not move furniture

  • Please do not relocate furniture. If you must, please return to where they were found.


  • There is parking at the front of the villa. Please do not drive onto the side of the villas to the back of the villa by the pool. Our grass and landscaping will be ruined and our back porch tiles are not designed to carry the weight of cars and will crack.